I got up early this morning to get a few things done before going to work. I couldn't believe the beauty that came from all of yesterday's rain. There were huge puffy clouds hugging the bases of all the nearby mountains with the peaks standing tall in front of the rising sun. As the sun began to peak over the mountain tops everything looked fresh and clean. I wished for my camera at least 10 times as I drove 10 minutes to my sister's house. I am often amazed at the beauty all around me as I drive. This brought my mind to things I am grateful for that I could blog about today. I am grateful that I have beautiful things in my life. So much of the beauty that I see is found in nature. Since I didn't have my camera with me this morning, I chose to share a few shots of another experience I had when surrounded by beauty. I have been lucky enough to go to Hawaii several times. On one of my trips I got to swim in the ocean with wild dolphins and other sea life. When they dumped us in the ocean there were pods of dophins swimming right under us. If allowed I could have reached out and touched those right below my belly. As you can see they were more than beautiful--they were awe inspiring. I am grateful to live in this beautiful world with so many things created for my enjoyment.
I am so blessed!
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